
The Science of Ecstasy

Fear Bertrand Russel says, “To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life already are three parts dead.” I’m not sure I agree. Sometimes fear leads us in many unknown ways. I will admit a time in my life when I feared loving again. But, it was during that time that I learned to love myself. I’ve been married three times so I do believe in marriage. I was married twice to the same man and with two kids in common, our love affair lives on. Both of us wanted to change for our kids and our love; but neither of us did. Love is a double edged sword that can cause elation and/or sadness. Unfortunately for some of us, fear often dictates how much love, happiness, and success we think we are or are not worthy of. Most of us are consumed with how to find love and where to look for it? Some of who have been hurt by love must learn how to go on living without it which is hard to do. Those who have experienced heartbreak like me have become masters at inventing excuses to justify